Why choose Lighthouse Therapy Hub for EHCP Support?
From a mixture of lived experience and in-depth research, we understand how hard it is to manage everyday life to meet the needs of our children.
We have an understanding of Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder - ADHD, Autism Spectrum Condition - ASC, Sensory Processing Disorder – SPD, Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, Dyscalculia, Dysgraphia, Tourettes and other neurological conditions.
We understand that children can struggle to communicate verbally, become dysregulated in formal assessments and have play-based approaches to observe.
We understand and trust parents’ views.
We want to make you feel listened to and validated.
We want you and your family to feel supported.
We are understanding and empathetic.
We can relate between children, young people and adults and understand the challenges each age group faces.
We understand SEN Law and school systems.
We are local and based in West Yorkshire.